5_c.gif Philip Preaching the Word

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 5_c.gif text- Acts 8:5~6
Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Christ there.
When the crowds heard Philip and saw the miraculous signs he did, they all paid close attention to what he said.



Philip Preaching the Word


(Acts 8:5-6)

Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed Christ there.

When the crowds heard Philip and saw the miraculous signs he did, they all paid close attention to what he said.


The Jerusalem church was in big trouble because Stephen among the seven deacons had been martyred.


From that time on, men or women who taught about Jesus were caught not to preach the gospel. So they could not stay at Jerusalem any more.
Then they began to scatter here and there.


Even though they were in trouble and were scattered, they never stopped preaching the words of God.


There was Philip among the deacons.
Philip also left Jerusalem because of the difficulties there.
So, Philip went to a place called Samaria.


Philip went to Samaria and he shared Jesus Christ in that place.
There was power in his words. People came together to listen to Philip's words.
And God gave amazing power to him.


There was a man that had a demon in him.
Philip shouted to the demon, "I order in the name of our Jesus Christ. Come out of that man."
Then the demon inside the man really got out and that person was healed.


Also, paralytics and cripples were healed by Philip's prayers.
Many people saw the miracles of Philip and they believed in Jesus and were baptized.


The Apostles also heard the amazing news that the Samaritans were now believing in Jesus. The Apostles heard this amazing news so to help Philip, the Apostles sent Apostle Peter and Apostle John to Samaria.


Peter and John arrived at Samaria.
They saw that many people were believing in Jesus so they were very happy.
They also prayed to God to send the Holy Spirit down to the people of Samaria.


Then, Peter and John placed their hands on them and prayed for the Holy Spirit.
Then, as they were praying, God sent down the Holy Spirit to the people of Samaria. The people who were determined to believe in Jesus and get baptized, got the amazing experience of receiving the Holy Spirit.


In Samaria, there was a man named Simon. Simon was a magician who was highly praised by the people in Samaria. Simon came to Peter and John and said, "I will offer you a lot of money if you will give me also this power so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit, too." Simon was trying to buy God's ability.


Peter answered him, "You thought that you could buy the gift of God with money so therefore you shall perish with that money. Your heart is not right before God. Repent of all your bad thoughts and pray to Jesus. You have bad intentions in your heart and you are controlled by sin."


Simon was so surprised. With trembling in his voice he begged, "Please pray to the LORD that what you have said to me will not happen." Simon had the very bad thought of trying to buy the power of God with money.


Philip had a very difficult time in leaving Jerusalem but inside his heart the eagerness to preach the Word did not die. Then God also gave him amazing power when he preached the gospel. Through one person, Philip, many people of Samaria believed in Jesus. It was such an amazing thing.


Through Philip, we should learn how to be eager about sharing Jesus. Even in hard times and troubles, if we have the heart to share about Jesus, God will help us and let us have a good outcome. From today, we should have eagerness to share Jesus. I hope through that eagerness, your friend can meet Jesus. I hope many of your friends can meet Jesus through you.

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