5_c.gif Noah saved from the flood judgment
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 5_c.gif text- Hebrews 11:7
By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.



Noah saved from the flood judgment


[ Hebrews 11:7]

By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith.


God created everything in this world. The world God created was perfect. All things all over the world moved according to God's order of creation.


God created man to conquer and rule this world. Man was created in the image of God. Man, created in the image of God, lived with love, righteousness, and goodness.


But after sin came in, man lost his original form and moved away from the Creator God. He also did evil to others because of greed and hatred. He began to live in all kinds of sins for his satisfaction.


He loved himself and idols more than he served God. As time passed, the world was filled with all kinds of sins. Seeing the world overflowing with so many sins, God lamented what made man and was filled with sorrow.


God has decided to judge this world full of evil.

¡ºSo the LORD said, ¡°I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created - and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground - for I regret that I have made them.¡±¡» (Gn 6:7)

He chose to punish those who break God's law and sin.


But even in a world polluted with sin and fallen, there was a man who was graced by God. That person was Noah. Noah lived with his family righteously and goodly according to God's will.


God appeared to Noah and told him to judge the world. And He gave the way for Noah's family to be saved. God told Noah to build a large ship to escape judgment.


Noah began building a boat on a high mountain with his family at God's command. Noah obeyed God's Word and built a ship for a long time. God gave people the opportunity to repent while the ship was being completed. But no one repented except Noah's family.


When the ship was completed, God told Noah.

¡ºThe LORD then said to Noah, ¡°Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth. Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.¡± ¡» (Gn 7:1-4)


Noah put animals on board as God commanded him. And his family also got on the boat. On the seventh day, God closed the boat. Forty days after the ship's doors closed, it rained from the sky and water rose from the ground.


All who sinned before God's water judgment and the whole world were submerged. All creatures moving on the ground are dead. Only Noah's boat floated on the water, and only eight Noah's families survived the judgment of the flood. When the whole world stained with sin and rebelled against God, Noah and his family received God's grace and obeyed the Word of God.


Then God began to dry the water with the wind for Noah's family and all the animals and livestock in the boat. As the water gradually diminished, the mountains began to appear. God stopped Noah's boat on Mount Ararat.


Noah's family stepped back to the ground just 377 days after entering the ship. All the beasts and all the birds on Noah's boat came out of ships.


Noah's family came out of the boat to thank God. God blessed Noah and his children and commanded them to "bring up many children and multiply them to fill the earth." And God promised that he would never judge again by the flood and showed the rainbow as evidence of that promise.


Mankind full of iniquity deserved all to be destroyed by the justice of God. But through Noah, God prepared a great ship and made sure that everyone who entered there was saved.

Noah's great ark is to show the coming Savior, Jesus Christ. Just as a person in a boat could be saved by the water judgment, only those who believe in Jesus and dwell in Him will be saved in the last days. Let's thank God for His grace to believe in Jesus today. And I hope all of you will be friends who value and firmly hold the grace you gave to the end of time.

(This is the sample conclusion provided by CTM. Please feel free to change the conclusion to best suit the listeners of your sermon.)