5_c.gif Abraham had Isaac when he was 100 years old

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 5_c.gif text- Genesis 21:5
Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him.



Abraham had Isaac when he was 100 years old


[Genesis 21:5]

Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him.


In the times of the Old Testament, God appeared in front of the people and spoke with them.
Abraham whom we well know as the Father of our Faith also met with God.


God promised Abraham he would make a great nation and told him to leave his father and his home land. Abraham believed in God that God would grant many children to him, so he obeyed.


20 years past after he left his hometown.
God's promise that he would give Abraham and Sarah a child had not yet happened.


Abraham and Sarah gave up on having children. Because Sarah`s husband Abraham was already 99 years old and so naturally it was impossible to have children at such an old age.


But one day, Abraham was resting in front of their tent.
At that moment there were 3 travelers passing by.


Abraham brought them into his tent for them to rest awhile. He prepared cold water to wash their feet, brought freshly baked bread and got one big calf.
Abraham served them really well.


After they ate the food that Abraham had prepared they said to Abraham, "Next year about this time I will come back. At that time your wife Sarah will bear a son." These 3 people were angels of God.


Sarah who was standing beside the entrance thought to herself.
'My husband is almost 100 years old and I'm this old also, how could I bear a baby?'
And she accidentally laughed.


The angel of God said to Sarah seriously, "Sarah, why are you laughing? God can do anything. Next year about this time God will surely give a child to you."


Sarah was so scared that she lied by saying, "No. I did not laugh." However, God`s angel said to Sarah, "Yes, you did laugh." He was scolding her for not having any faith.


After the men of God left an amazing thing happened to Sarah. As they had prophesied Sarah became pregnant. Sarah was so embarrassed because she had not believed.


Then Abraham got his son when he turned 100 years old. As God had promised Abraham and Sarah were given a child. Abraham and Sarah were so happy.


Sarah confessed to God who showed a miracle to them. "God has made me smile. Everyone who hears this story will smile like me. Who could have said to Abraham that Sarah can bear a child? But now I have given a son to Abraham as an old man!"


So they named their child Isaac(which means smile or laugh). Sarah thought that they could not bear children but God allowed a miracle for them to have a child when Abraham was 100 years old. There is nothing impossible for God.


Today like Sarah we should not only believe in what we can understand and laugh at what we cannot understand. Without faith we can`t please God. From today onward we should never doubt about God`s words and we should always listen and follow everything that He tells us to do.

(You can change the conclusion of this sermon best suiting to your listeners of this sermon. We want to make it clear that the provided conclusion is only a sample conclusion provided by CTM.)