5_c.gif Get ready!
    [ÁغñÇÏ°í ÀÖÀ¸¶ó]
 5_c.gif text- Matthew 24:42
"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.



Get ready!


"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.
(Matthew 24:42)


Many prophets in the Old Testament foretold that one day the Messiah would come to this earth to save the whole world.
Believers in the Old Testament times waited for God's promise to send the Messiah.
As promised, God sent Jesus, the Messiah, to this earth.


Jesus, who came to this earth, took on all our sins and died on the cross.
He rose from the dead on the third day and overcame the power of death.
Whoever believes in Jesus will receive the blessing of becoming a child of God.
He made it possible for us to enter the eternal heaven.


There is something that Jesus directly promised us. Jesus, who went to heaven, is coming back to this earth.
We, who believe in Jesus and become children of God, are waiting for Jesus to come again.


Then, when will Jesus come to this earth?
Jesus himself spoke about the day when Jesus would come.

(Mt 24:36) ¡°But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven,
nor the Son, but only the Father.

Jesus made it clear that only God knows when He will come.
No one knows when this word will be, but it is a promise that Jesus will surely return to this earth.


Jesus said that the day when He will come again will be like the days of Noah in the Old Testament. God told Noah that he would judge the land with water.
Noah believed the warning that one day God would judge the world.
To prepare for the flood, the Day of Judgment, he and his family built a large ark for a long time.


Except for Noah's family, no one else believed it.

Rather, they considered Noah's family crazy and ridiculed them.
They acted as if judgment would never come.

They did not stop eating and drinking and sinning.


Finally, Noah's ark closed and it started to rain. Until then, they thought that there would never be such a thing as a flood judgment. However, the rain, which was expected to stop soon, did not stop. The whole world began to be submerged.


They realized that God's flood judgment had begun late. Except for Noah's eight family members, all the people drowned in the water due to the great flood.


The day Jesus comes to this earth will happen suddenly like Noah's flood.
Jesus gave two practical examples of what will happen on this earth when he comes back to earth.


There were two men who worked hard at their jobs. One of them is a person who believed in Jesus and always prepared to meet Jesus.
The other did not believe in Jesus, nor did he believe that there would be judgment on the day Jesus come.


On that day, the two of them were working hard in the field just like any other day. But that day, Jesus came to this earth. The man who was preparing to meet Jesus was called up to Jesus from there. There was only one man left unprepared for Jesus' return.


There were two women who worked hard at their jobs.
One is a person who believes in Jesus and prepares to meet Jesus when He comes.
But she didn't believe the other one, nor did she believe that Jesus was coming.


The two women were milling at their workplace as usual.
The woman prepared to meet Jesus was called up to Jesus on the spot.
She was left with only a woman who did not believe in Jesus.


On the day Jesus comes to this earth, those who prepare well to meet Jesus will be called up to Jesus and receive great glory. But those who do not believe in Jesus and do not believe that Jesus is coming again will be left to the earth to be judged for their sins.


Jesus Himself said this about the attitude we should take when we believe in Jesus and wait for Jesus to come again.
(Mt 24:42) ¡°Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.

Not knowing when Jesus will come is the same as saying that He could come even today.
Those of us who believe in Jesus must always be awake in order to welcome Jesus with no shame even when He comes again.
We must strive to become a person who keeps the words of Jesus in all of our lives and does the things that please Jesus.

(This is the sample conclusion provided by CTM. Please feel free to change the conclusion to best suit the listeners of your sermon.)